6.10.03 – you can’t always get whatcha want

ah, rep schedule, i love you so much. midsummer opened last weekend. for my trouble, i grew some new freckles, which i think just makes my face and arms look slightly dirty. now i’m rehearsing comedy afternoons and performing midsummer at night. zeke is neurotic as ever, given that A and i have both been working noon-midnight everyday. he manifest his distress on my day off by throwing up all over the kitchen floor at 7am, then climbing inside the fireplace (there are birds nesting in the chimney), and leaving sooty paw prints all over the house. while mopping up cat vomit, i thought, “people have children why?”

one of the perks of working in ISF’s outdoor theatre is that its location, five miles out of town, nestled between the river and the foothills, means that wildlife is still nearby. last week a doe poked her head out of the bushes backstage and watched us from about 50 yards away; and in the trap room there is a nest of baby birds, still featherless with great, bulbous eyes and loud voices. mama starvling flies in and out of the trap room with mouthfuls of green catepillars at dusk, keeping a wary eye on us from across the room. if we get too close she flutters to the concrete floor and does her best injured bird impression, to lure us away from her nest.