in my dream i have been unhappy, in that self-indulgent depression of the over-privileged sort of way, for a long period of time, and so i gave away most of my stuff – clothes, books, electronics, knickknacks, etc., convinced that freeing myself from material possession would lead to happiness. when the dream was interrupted by the alarm clock, it hadn’t become clear yet whether giving away all my stuff would make me happier; but i recall telling lots of people all about how i got rid of all my stuff and that i expected it would soon make me happy. i don’t recall whether anyone else was impressed or not.
30 second dream analysis: interesting to note that in the dream giving away my stuff didn’t make me happier – i just transferred the object of my worrying to something more self-involved and less material: my own psyche. i’m fretting about the logistics of moving, and moving/disposing of the stuff i own is a big part of those logistics. the more stuff i own, the more tied down and trapped i feel. it gets harder to pick up and move when i feel the need to flee or to answer the call of wanderlust. i have the jitters of a nervous bride, only it’s signing a lease and a contract with a strange city (rather like marriage, i suppose), that makes me apprehensive. moral of the dream: have stuff. just worry about it less.
lots of symbols of limbo in my dreams these days, not surprisingly