i was working in the lab, late one night…

the preceding 60-hour work week put something of a damper on halloween plans, but as it turns out, our neighborhood is second only to san francisco’s castro for marti gras style halloween celebrations, so friday night was more about staring at all the other freaks than trying to be freakish ourselves.

10 minutes to devise a costume out of our own closets lead to the following:

andy dressed in hiking gear and stocking cap with donkey ears attached, represented the CTA Fee Hike, and i wore my aikido uniform and went as Every Sport I’ve Ever Quit (it’s a long, long list).

i have a long history of halloween costumes that require explanation (el nino, the seven deadly sins, a rock, to name a few). it reminds me a little of the way paul and i play “20 questions”: on a road trip to idaho once, it became necessary to change the game to “40 questions”, because it was impossible to hone in on some arcane metaphysical subject (the black plague, onomatopoeia, godot…) in 20 guesses.

maybe i should look to our “40 questions” games to find inspiration for halloween costumes…i could be godot, and just never show up at the halloween party.