the new and improved blogger informs me that i have posted 483 messages to slithy tove since taking blogger on. my goodness. 483 snide little essays. right now (and i mean the past 9 months or so) we are fighting sheer exhaustion and have had very little time to post, but the internal critic hasn’t been put to rest.
lately when i’m out in public and feeling crowded and grouchy, nasty critical thougths about strangers’ fashion sense ring through my head. like, to the woman whose ankles are rolling on her 4″ pointy-toed shoes: “your feet hate you.” or, “whoever told you that that orange lipstick looks great on you is not your friend.” or, “hmm. yeah. those mirrored sunglasses? they don’t hide the double chin.” but let’s be honest: i have ZERO fashion sense, so it’s not like i’m exempt from this game, as i look down at my feet on the train and discover that i wore the black socks with the white sneakers again. “what’s up, seinfield?”