dude, i got spam from Alan Keyes today:
Good day;
We at Inspira tional Word Publishers are proud
to announce the release of:“On Eagles Wings-The Fight for Chri stian America”
http://www.amer icasgra ce.com
“Rob Thompson will forever be a great service to his God, nationa and
party”.-Ambassador Alan Keyes
“Rob Thompson has written a book that must be read by all those who
have a love of Chr ist and American history”.-David Schippers Majority Counsel Clinton Imp eachment
For a short time only by 1 copy and get the 2nd copy FREE!!!!
Isaiah 40:31
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yeah sure, clicking on that link will take me off your spam list. hey alan keyes, get out of my eudora! and my state! (i registered to vote, i can call it my state now).
oh, and ps – there’s like three typos in your letter. not including the spaces i added to certain key search phrases.