there are three non-profit organizations that i make regular donations to: NPR, the Stanford Fund, and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids (come to think of it, I really ought to add Planned Parenthood onto my list as well). i used to feel kinda crappy about the fact that i can only afford to send them each $10 twice a year or so, but then my friend justin, who works in the devo department of a large theatre here in town, explained to me that lots of matching grants depend on the number of individual donors, not just total donations, that a non-profit has, and so the act of sending less money to more groups was actually a good thing.
so Chicago Public Radio started their semi-annual pledge drive this week, and i headed to their website to pledge my usual $10 (i told you, i’m poor). much to my dismay, they’ve changed their online donation system so that the minimum one can pledge is $5/month for 12 months. well, i’m sorry you don’t want my $10, chicago public radio. needless to say, i was feeling somewhat miffed by this minimum donation. i resent the assumption that just because i earn, well, let’s just say almost nothing, busting my butt for my own non-profit organization, that i’m not in their target audience. fine, then, i’ll send that $10 to Planned Parenthood this time. really, i realize that CPR probably doesn’t give a shit about my $10, but that’s sort of my point. you shouldn’t sneer at donations of any size; it’s the act of giving that matters. it’s the same reason i make piddly small payments to my retirement savings every month. it’s not that i think what i’m doing right now will really add up to a house in the bahamas when I’m 65, but it’s about developing the habit. the money will follow.