doing penance

so i really, really, almost never eat at McDonalds. like basically never except occasionally an egg mcmuffin sans-ham when i’m in an airport. but today I was coming home from working downtown, and pratically everything was closed because of labor day and how only suckers like me have to work, and i don’t know what came over me but I did something I haven’t done in years — consumed a 3-piece chicken strip meal complete with fries and a coke. ugh. the funny thing about fast food is that buyer’s remorse sets in about 30 seconds after you wipe your mouth with the greasy paper napkin. the reinforcement is so immediate that i can’t believe i ever still get tempted into going there. now, nearly six hours later, i’m sitting here still feeling like i ate a wedge of lard for lunch, my stomach rumbling in ominous dissent. gross. i will eat nothing but salad and brown rice until my digestive system has forgiven me this transgression.