i win! see, here’s my gold metal for completing my knitting olympics project before the flame went out.
the going got kind of rough around thursday night, when i spent maybe 3 hours making and ripping out and repairing mistakes, gaining no actual ground, till suddenly it was 2am, the only thing left on tv was infomercials, and my arms were cramped from wrist to elbow. the next morning i woke up with some sort of knitter’s-elbow tendonitis/carpal tunnel thing that made typing (and knitting) unbearable.
but i persevered. 88 inches of lace, knit on teeny-tiny size three needles.
the knitting olympics also sort of skewed my approach to knitting – it’s supposed to be a hobby, but with an imposing deadline it became another thing on my daily to-do list. also, i’ve decided that knitting lace is a hateful, hateful activity. i do like the results, and they are going to make lovely pillowcases (pictures to follow), but give me a fair isle project on size 10 needles any day.