good start to a new year

the big news for the new years weekend was that my older brother, chris, and teresa got married!

the wedding was beautiful, and the reception was about the most fun one i’ve been to. (i was helping plan/coordinate/generally boss people around, so i ended up not taking hardly any pictures, but fortunately the event was well-documented and i’ll have pictures to share before too long).

i want to go to a wedding on new years eve every year. what better way to start out the new year than being filled with love and good will? plus, the occasion provides a perfect theme for the party. teresa’s family and friends are wonderful, and i am thrilled to be getting such an amazing woman for a sister-in-law. also, i was charmed by knoxville.

there was the awkward realization while i was looking at the seating chart that i was basically the only unmarried (and definitely the only single) person at the entire wedding. erg. but in spite of the giant opportunity to be bitter about being single, the whole wedding weekend actually helped renew my faith in love rather than making me more bitter. i don’t yet know how to cope with the idea that andy could just up and walk out on me. i don’t know why this is the third time i’ve had my heart broken, or why i can’t seem to get it right. but seeing chris and teresa together made me believe that they have found a partnership to last forever. and then i saw my parents, and teresa’s parents, and my grandparents, all in turns on the dance floor, dancing cheek to cheek. i don’t know why i can’t seem to find that. but it cheers me to know that it does exist.

on another note, having experienced a decent-sized sample of US airports recently, it’s safe to say that knoxville, TN is by far and away my favorite. empty, even on new year’s day, small, clean, quiet. rows of rocking chairs lined up in front of floor-to-ceiling windows that look out over the rolling tennesee hills. and these huge leather lazy-boy recliners! (those are my own feet in the picture). i was so exquisitely comfortable it was hard to get up in time to board my plane.