since i started labeling my posts it’s made me aware of the fact that i post more rants than i post odes to my favorite things. so this post is in the spirit of achieving balance.
today, my 3 favorite things are:
i. my forest green wellies with bright yellow laces. i only get to wear these when the snow fall is deeper than about 6″. they’re too big and slop around my ankles and make me feel like a little kid with hand-me-down moon boots on. remember moon boots?
ii. the fact that the Atlantic Theatre in Florida is advertising “The Hoo-Haa Monologues” on their marquee, because some patron walked by and was offended by seeing “Vagina” in giant letters. finally, we have a national consensus on how to spell hoo-haa.
iii. my grandfather’s sense of humor. on sunday night at dinner my sister-in-law was talking about how the german version of TSA had tried to take away her knitting needles at a security check point. without missing a beat, my grandfather said, “they’re afraid you’re going to knit an afghan.” the joke’s been done before, but he clearly made it up on the spot. i can only hope to be that sharp when i’m 90.