i am slammed at work, and it’s going to be like this for a while. like, a yearish while, possibly.
in place of an actual blog post, i offer some links:
1) this makes me super totally happy: clowns defeat nazis.
2) i made these marathon cookies from 101cookbooks this past weekend. keeping in mind that they are not actually cookies but rather are healthy, cheaper-that-cliff-bars, make-big-batches-and-freeze post-run snacks, they are pretty darn good. i recommend them, and don’t be put off by the fact that the recipe calls for beans. seriously. recommended tweaks: double or even triple the amount of dates it calls for, don’t be shy with the lemon zest, and don’t forget the aniseed like i did.
3) had brunch this past sunday with newlyweds (yay!) P and J at the very excellent La Note in Berkeley. i know a thing or two about brunch.* and this was good brunch. i will definitely be back.
4) continuing on the subject of gastronomic orientation in my new home, i finally located a place to get thai takeout on my way home from where my running group meets in wednesdays. a little pricey, but yeah, i live in marin, so that’s part of the deal. but delicious delicious vegetable/tofu panang curry (slices of pumpkin!) and super nice people running the place. i’d link their website but…they don’t have one?! anyway, it’s R’Noh Thai in Larkspur. yum.
*brunch in food-destination cities can be a competitive sport (nyc, chicago, san fran, i’m looking at you). and i take it seriously as such. if the food is good enough i will out-wait you, no matter how long the wait for a table for five or how cold it is outside the restaurant where we cluster in little groups, hands wrapped around mini paper cups of free coffee. as long as the coffee keeps coming in the mean time, my brunch-table waiting stamina is quite impressive.