I’m still with her

I was surprised, when I looked back through the blog to find a roasted cauliflower recipe (me looking for old recipes is basically 99.9% of my blog’s search traffic), to discover that it’s been nearly a year since I’ve completed a post. I mean, surprised but not really surprised. Time, obviously, is an even more precious commodity around here than it used to be. But also social media* has risen up to take the place of blogs as a place to express ourselves. Case in point, I’ve been working on, revising and editing, this post on facebook all day. But it feels like as good an opportunity as any to return to the blog.

This morning, on this day-after-election day, though sick with dread, I am still with her.

I am still with Hillary Clinton, and I look forward to seeing what she’ll do next in her long career of public service. I am with President Obama, as he prepares to throw off the shackles of congress and move into the next chapter of his career.

I am with every her who hammered her fists on that glass ceiling last night, and maybe cried tears of rage or frustration, but also vowed not to give up.

I’m with every woman who has been groped or sexually harassed in the workplace, with the ones who were able to speak up and the ones who were not. I’m with every person of color who woke up this morning feeling a little bit less safe in their own country. I’m with Muslin Americans who fear vigilante passengers on an airplane, I’m with immigrants who fear a raid in the night. I’m with transgender hers/hims/theys who fear going into a public restroom. I will go with you.

I’m with every grassroots organization and non-profit who works to care for the impoverished and the marginalized. I will attend your bake sales, I will promote your causes. I will be an ally and I will bear witness. I will listen when you speak. I will buy Streetwise and I will give spare change and I will not close my heart to the people in this country.

I’m with every mother who didn’t know what to say to her young daughter this morning about the election results. I’m with every mother of a little boy, who, like me, woke this morning vowing to raise him to respect women and to care for the people around him. I can’t teach him to respect the highest office in our country’s government, not right now, but I can teach him to be kind.


*by “social media” i mean facebook, as i’m too old and cranky to keep track of all the other platforms the kids are using these days. and yes that includes twitter. and instagram. and snapchat. and a bunch of stuff i’ve never even heard of probably.