4.1.03 – sulking
depression comes on the heels of the dark, rain-filled clouds of an april twilight. it crouches on my chest with little cat feet, encourages me to lay on the couch watching network sitcoms rather than getting up and doing something, anything. enjelani‘s list of ways to fight the lurking depression all ring true but none of them appeal when i hit the lows. i tend to move through my life at 100 mph; for reasons as trivial as the weather i grind to the occasional halt and inertia makes it hard to get going again. sulky or not, i still have to go to rehearsal tonight. my own recipe for fighting the blues: 1) turn on lots of articial light 2) close the curtains against the gathering darkness 3) trade norah jones for the josie and the pussycats soundtrack, 6) treat myself to a sugary coffee treat at the flying M, 6) stay busy. move faster than the depression can.