4.2.03 – sulking, in perspective
of course, one cannot ignore the fact that moping because of the weather is a luxury i am afforded because i live in a politically stable city, i have a job, a home, and currency that is still worth something. something tells me that hunter-gatherer tribes of the past and iraqi citizens of today spend less time being depressed because it’s gloomy outside. it’s 34 degrees this afternoon, and weather.com is promising rain/snow showers for the next five days. still, it could be a blinding desert sand storm that i’m up against. i can’t stomach war news 24/7. there’s something sickening about the way that experts gather on NPR every afternoon to dissect each tactical move with the cool nonchalance apropos of a football game. i heard an interview with a couple of marines still awaiting orders in North Carolina on the BBC tonight. question: how do you feel being left here now that more than half of your fellow marines have shipped out? response: well, the traffic’s a lot better.