
yesterday’s yucky snowy day perked up at the end with the appearance of a free ticket to see tori amos, courtesy of nick. the evening was wholly thrown over to nostalgia once we discovered that we were sitting in the exact same (front row) seats that we’d sat in about eight years ago when i dragged a reluctant nick to see her boys for pele tour back in high school. the show featured a nice mix of her music from various albums all the way back to little earthquakes, so that those of us who’ve been too poor to buy a CD in recent years could enjoy new versions of old favorites. but god damn that woman can play a piano.

being in the technical half of the business myself, tho, i’m easily distracted by production details – noting the stripe of glow tape on the side of the Roadside Cafe sign that flew in mid show, watching the moving lights for their color-changing tricks, irked that the backdrop didn’t match up exactly at the seam in the middle and looked like cheap plywood, watching the stage hands moving about backstage, turning around to see if the stage manager was in the booth in the back of the house. i’m probably a pretty annoying person to go to a show with.