
my grass germinated! this might seem like a little thing, but i nearly broke my back a month ago cleaning up the yard and then it snowed and nothing grew and i was thoroughly discouraged. anyway, it feels pointless to turn on the sprinkler when it’s like 50 degrees out there, but my mother swears that the grass seedlings will curl up and die if they aren’t watered daily, and my water bill is included in the rent, so…

new assignment from the Weekly: 20 questions with Dar Williams. her publicist called offering to set up an interview, and none of the staff writers were interested, so it got tossed to me. must look cool in front of dar, must look cool… what do you want to know about dar williams? andy got hired at the Flying M this morning, which means that there’d be the potential, if we weren’t such geeks, to be a pretty darn hip couple: he works for the independent-est coffeehouse in downtown Boise, i work for the Boise Weekly (independent media source and something of a liberal stronghold) and nights we work with the only two professional theatres in town. the good: free coffee, free tickets, free press passes. the bad: between the two of us, we have five jobs. our latch-key cat is being raised by the tv.