
this morning’s interview with Dar Williams went well, minus the fact that Madison, WI, has little-to-no cell service, so the interview was staged in several pieces. as one might have expected, she exudes warmth and approachability on the phone. no transcript of the interview to put up here, as i had no way to record the conversation, but i asked a few good questions, i think.

sle-e-e-epy tonight. i didn’t sleep well last night; in between anxiety dreams about not waking up on time for my interview with Dar Williams i had anxiety dreams about my vegetable garden. i’d wake up in the middle of the night and think, “that garden plot is huge. i’ll never be able to keep up with the weeds and watering and plant-nurturing. i kill house plants right and left! i’ll have to spend all summer in the backyard groveling in the dirt, and i’ll start to resent it, and… and…” god, i can be high strung sometimes. most people take up gardening to relax. i can get stressed out by my hobbies.

after tonight’s performance of stop kiss there was this swanky dessert-and-coffee reception with the theatre’s bigwig donors and board members. i always feel like the poor relation at these things; the actors go, so that the donors can get a chance to meet and congratulate the cast, and i am of course invited along, but as the assistant director i’m not exactly playing an important role in the evening’s schmoozing. so there i am in my jeans and sneakers and ponytail, looking really interested in my cup of coffee. halfway through the evening the room had stratified; the donors and board members in smart clothes chatting at one end of the room, the actors and company members on the other side. it’s not such a bad thing, but this is how these events always go; we’re the hired help, and ultimately, everyone feels more comfortable with their own kind.