4.30.03 – at odds with my own thumbs
all credibility as a movie reviewer went down the drain with yesterday’s issue of the Boise Weekly, when my extremely positive review of Danish art-house flick Open Hearts was printed across from the thumbs-up/thumbs down movie listings, which gave the same movie a “totally worthless” thumbs down recommendation (as a result of a “on a scale of 1-4 where 1 is good or where 4 is good” miscommunication). i will never again trust those three-thumbs, two stars up, two bags of popcorn-but-one’s-spilling-over movie ratings, now that i understand the arbitrary way that the Weekly assigns them: on tuesday afternoon cynthia calls out the names of the movies, and anyone who is in the office is welcome to chime in with their opinion, regardless of whether they’ve actually seen a preview, the film, or even heard of it. the irony of the situation, however, is the fact that it’s actually my thumb providing the conflicting message (i was in the office the day they needed to make a new thumbs-up picture and somehow my thumbs were deemed most attractive. and thus began my career with the Boise Weekly).