5.15.03 – recap

after berating paul for his month-long silence at metameat, i proceeded to take a two week hiatus myself. have been busy transitioning from day job at the weekly into full time at the idaho shakespeare festival for the summer. god, it’s good to give up my day job. not that i didn’t love the weekly and all the freaks and weirdos i encountered there, and the opportunities to write, and the chaotic atmosphere that comes with a small indie newspaper, but the rigor of getting up every morning and going to sit at a desk beneath a flickering fluorescent panel and performing rote administrative tasks was really more than i could bear. i’m just not cut out for that sort of work (ie, a normal, stable job). training the new receptionist is a painful process, in part because she’s about as bright as a box of rocks, and in part because i’m a control freak and turning my own projects over to other people (particularly strangers) is always a trying experience. perhaps it was a subconscious form of protest, i don’t know, but at any rate, approximately 3 minutes after meeting the new receptionist yesterday i proceeded to nearly snip the tip of my finger off with a pair of scissors. it didn’t turn out to be a terribly serious wound, but it was a gusher. and while i’m squeamish at the sight of movie gore or other people’s hangnails, watching own blood pulse out of my hand didn’t really phase me as much as it embarrassed me to be bleeding all over the newspapers. in the end i got a tetanus shot and one stitch in my left forefinger for my trouble. oh, and the nurse also gave me a Tasmanian devil band-aid for being brave.