5.17.03 – p-r-o-c-r-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-i-o-n
trying to sit down and write an article for the weekly, but the trouble is that i have NO angle and the subject just isn’t a catchy one (human (dis)interest piece on two guys who are founding a film school in boise). methods of procrastination used thus far:
-slept late
-went to a kickboxing class (whee!)
-made lunch
-read a victoria’s secret catalogue
-played with the cat
-put away my laundry
-took a shower
-got coffee
-checked email
-read the usual blogs
-investigated bugs in the javascript on slithy tove
i can keep coming up with stuff to do, no problem, but this damn thing doesn’t seem to be going away by itself. nerg.