5.18.03 – disgruntled
it’s may 18th and do you wanna know how cold it is? so cold that i was still wearing those little stretchy black mittens when i was riding my bike around town today. it’s deceptively sunny outside – big puffy white clouds sail around in a blue sky, the trees and grass shimmer green in the bright sunlight – but when you leave the house, this blustery north wind chills bones. my plans for a vegetable garden have largely been on hold because temperatures are still dipping below freezing at night. little seedlings in cut-off milk cartons line the shelves of our bathroom, which has been transformed into a temporary greenhouse these past six weeks. with the row of 60w light bulbs just inches from their milk cartons, the little seedlings have been coaxing into sprouting even tho it’s still wintery outside. two more of the cucumber seedlings committed suicide yesterday tho. they just keel over in their carton, hang their heads limply over the side and turn dark green. i don’t know what they want from me, i give them water, sunlight, nutrient-rich dirt, but still they march on to their deaths. luckily i started about 10 seeds but i really only want 1 cucumber plant.
there’s really no point whatsoever to this post, i just woke up from a nap and i’m disgusted with the weather.