5.24.03 – My Date with the Triple Meat Sandwich

there’s something so alien about having a bad cold on a really hot day. the dry air sears my throat and then drinking hot tea just makes me sweat even more than the combination of fever sweats and 95 degree heat already are. ugg. i hab a code. (spoken with a stuffy-nose-voice)

summer landed upon us with a vengeance. not that i’m complaining, mind you, i love hot dry weather, and it’s good for my S.A.D. zeke doesn’t seem to like it tho. he drapes himself over his cat tree and says “mow”, which i take to mean, “it’s too hot to be wearing a fur coat.” we don’t have an air conditioner, so the house is roughly 10 degrees warmer inside than out by the end of the day. this also marks the beginning of afternoon thunderstorm season, a rocky mountain weather phenomenon that pleases me greatly: each day dawns warm and sunny, and around 4 pm big thunder clouds roll up over the mountains, it rains or blows briefly, the sky gets all dark and dramatic, and then by 6pm the whole show’s over in time for golden evening light and a late sunset.

hmm. gotta force my hazy sudafed brain into writing a restaurant review about my lunch at Giacinto’s Trattoria for the Weekly. i think i’m going to title it: “My Date with the Triple Meat Sandwich, or They Put Ham Where?