5.30.03 – codependence
no, no, i didn’t die of SARS, thank you for your messages of concern. just busy rehearsing midsummer and comedy of errors – rep schedule can be murder, although, thanks to my recent demontion, not nearly as stressful as last year’s summer season was.
codependent pets are keeping andy & i apart for the weekend – he has to sleep at his parents’ house so that their dog, Calvin won’t get lonely; i have to stay at our house so that my cat, Zeke won’t have abandonment issues. we left rehearsal at 10, call across town at midnight to say goodnight. who says pets resemble their owners?
cops just broke up the party at the Noisy Party Every Weekend house next door. the sound of fence cracking alerted me to the fact that teenages were using our backyard as an escape route. i stood on my back porch in pj’s and mis-matched shoes, gesturing with the tv remote and all but yelling, “you kids stay outta my tomatoes!” yup. i’m old.