dream jobs sleep late

have come to the unpleasant realization that i need to start looking for a summer job. seasonal employment is a little manic depressive – just as soon as new-job-jitters are abating, the will-i-be-unemployed-jitters begin to loom. the thought of spending the whole summer just working full time at my day job alternately terrifies me and relieves me – it’d be SO EASY just to ignore that ugly task – compiling lists of companies i want to work for, sending out cover letters, networking, schmoozing, interviewing, then packing up, moving somewhere, learning the ropes at a whole different job just in time to start worrying about where the next one will come from. but on the other hand, at my day job i process insurance claim forms in a dental office that has no windows. i don’t love teeth, nor do i love insurance companies (altho a side effect of looking at diseased mouths on a daily basis is that i now spend considerably more time worrying about the oral health of my loved ones, and my own flossing habits have been thoroughly reformed). and i really don’t love getting up for work at 6am. there’s a reason i keep chasing the elusive dream. it doesn’t expect me to show up before 10.