it’s about my armpits.
pet peeves about chicago:
1) the lack of one giant corporate bank that monopolizes the city’s money and can therefore have an ATM on every corner. instead we’re plagued with like 100 different home-grown banks (one of which i grudgingly patronize), each of which can only afford two ATMs.
2) when the weather sucks and the trains get all funked up, the CTA doesn’t do anything about it – as in, make announcements to the 300 rioting people in a subway station wondering why a train hasn’t show up for 30 minutes during rush hour. or run alternate bus service. duh.
so, when these pet peeves conspired to inconvenience me on the same day, i found myself unable to get a train home from work and without enough cash to catch a cab. so i went into walgreens (if only we had ATMs like we have walgreens…) in search of something to buy with my ATM card in order to get cash back so i could get a cab. makes sense – i pay the same $2.00 convenience fee, only i pay it to walgreens for a magazine or a drink instead of to the ATM.
so it’s 6pm, i’ve been trying to get home for forty five minutes and it’s snowing outside and the streets are covered with two inches of slush thanks to the diligent salting trucks, and i’ve been slipping and sliding all over the place because of my stupid useless frail girly clothes (wool slacks, 2″ heeled boots) that i have to wear to my stupid mindless day job. so i’m trying to invest my ATM fee in my usual brand of unscented deodorant, and pet peeve #3 rears it’s ugly head: why every beauty product on the market has to stink to high heaven like some nasty perfume. seriously, why would i want my armpits to smell like, and i’m not making this up, Icy Rush, Sudden Blast, Cold Fusion? what is that, Cold Fusion, a gatorade flavor? and isn’t Sudden Blast just what we’re trying to prevent our armpits from emitting?