the aforementioned kitty drinking fountain was purchased and assembled this evening, to zeke’s great consternation – a water dish that also clicks and gurgles and makes strange sounds. he can’t decide whether to drink or dip his paws in. it makes me think of a loud, grade-school-classroom aquarium, with the pump humming and growling away beneath the faint sound of trickling water. i won’t be able to sleep at night without unplugging the thing.
tuesdays have become our new favorite day: after 3 years of neck-injury-hiatus, i’ve started taking aikido classes again. by happy accident, my apartment is 3 blocks down the street from one of the only aikido schools in chicago. tuesdays i actually leave work at a normal hour, go to aikido, pick up some sort of yummy take-out on the way home and the second half of the evening is devoted to watching 24. god, i’m addicted to that show. i didn’t watch the first two seasons, but these days i specially engineer my schedule around having tuesday nights free from 8-9. i do the unthinkable (for me) and ignore phone calls, i shush the cat, make dinner wait until commecial breaks. it’s probably for the best that andy is away at rehearsal on tuesdays.