the friendster test

okay, so i came late to friendster (as in, yesterday). it’s just no one ever invited me, see. but now i see value of friendster – it’s the true friendship (oops, almost wrote fiendship) test. looking up lauren and clicking to add her to my personal network, i had to click through the following warning messages:

You are about to add lauren as a friend.

ok, got it.

lauren will be notified, and will have to confirm that you are friends. Your full name and email address will be sent to lauren for identification purposes if you proceed.

yeah, okay. are you trying to tell me something, friendster?

Continue only if you really are friends with lauren.

come on, friendster what about that time i drew on her armpit with a magic marker? doesn’t that count for anything?

well, okay. we shall wait anxiously to have our overture of digital friendship confirmed.