we are not, however, going to have any more birthday parties. you know that childhood geek fear of having a birthday party and having no one show up? such was saturday night. the excuses were all valid – parents in town, hot date with the new girl, tickets to see a show, stuck in rehearsal, down with a bad cold, hosting another birthday party, boyfriend visiting, have to be up early for easter services – but it doesn’t negate the fact that only one of my friends actually showed up. luckily, andy’s friends can always be depended upon to materialize at the mention of PBR and the opportunity to sit around rehashing scenes from last week’s improv class, so we didn’t lack for guests. but really, i think this is just a grown-up symptom of a life-long affliction of social ineptitude. in junior high school the girls passed mean notes about me, as an adult i have inconvenient parties. i was always better with 3 close friends and a bottle of wine, maybe a scrabble board. i think in the future we’ll stick to what we know.
far-away friends: you are missed.