it’s not that i’m trying to make a slow exit from the blogging world. it’s just that lately, i feel as tho i have nothing left to give. no creative energy left over after all the “have-tos” have been done. my writing has dried up, i’ve been remiss in my friendships, both near and far, and when i do get an evening off, all i seem capable of doing is vegetating in front of the television or behind a book. believe me, this is not a state of affairs I would like to maintain indefinitely. i’m just trying to get by right now, to breathe into one day at a time, keep believing that my ship will come in, that this will somehow get easier.

so, the brief update:

we’re considering moving to a new apartment a little further north of where we live now. it’s hard to consider leaving our neighborhood, with its abundant take-out thai food, 2 minute-walk to the yoga studio, conveniently located public transit and strangely colorful residents (is that a halloween costume, or are you just always like that?). on the other hand, the place we live now feels, well, like living in a dorm. temporary quarters in an exciting district whose noise pollution frequently intrudes on one’s sleep. and there’s a lot of barf on the sidewalk after the weekend, which i find most unpleasant. the other apartment (belonging to a friend who is moving in with his boyfriend) is on a quiet, tree-line street. it has a garage (so that someday we might own a car), a backyard, an extra bedroom – in short, it feels like the sort of place one could make a life. so, are we going to do what we said we’d do, and settle down and make a life here in chicago? good question.

in rehearsal for a new show. the play is good, and i’m working with a set of designers and actors i enjoy very much, which is making a difficult play/process easier. and i do love the strange things i learn for each production – this time around i’ve learned everything there is to know about interior moulding, confetti cannons, and how to get a gigantic, scary gothic chandelier custom built for under $300.

trying to decide what to be for halloween. it’s another sign that i’m not living my life right when i realize that the past 3 years i’ve been too busy to dress up for or celebrate my favorite holiday. when i was a kid i had my halloween costume planned out in detail by august, at least. i am open to suggestions, one and all…

i have a car! (of sorts). chicago finally has a car-share service ( after paying a one-time membership fee, i can now walk two blocks from my house to where a shiny new honda is parked, drive wherever i want for $6/hour, and everything – gas, insurance, maintenance, parking – is taken care of. yay, car-shares.

still working for the dentist. since i’ve gotten to a place where i can process insurance claims and schedule patients with my eyes closed and brain half-turned off, i begged my boss to let me take on new tasks for fear i might die of boredom. so now i’m learning how to take x-rays on patients, sterilize equipment, pour models from impressions, and other thing that are at least interesting while i’m still learning them. i have no intention of becoming a dentist (working all day long under those fluorescent lights, looking at people’s yucky moldy mouths, no thank you), but these marketable day-job skills are always useful to tuck into my back pocket for future times of unemployment. actually, i’m just trying to get to a point where i do enough messy lab work that i can wear scrubs instead of uncomfortable/expensive “office” clothes to work in.

thinking of taking the winter off from stage managing (so i’ll just have two part-time jobs, instead of three), and taking a stage combat class and a class in copy-editing (thinking of more flexible day-job possibilites for the future).

see? so now you know i’m not dead, just really really boring.