one more round

so today my web host company gave me the option to renew or give slithy tove up, and since i renewed, i guess this little experiment hasn’t died quite yet. i flinched the other day when, in conversation with a hip sort of person i wanted to impress, i referred to my blog while telling an unrelated story and this person interrupted me with, “you have a blog?? i don’t think i’ve ever actually met someone with a blog before.” this was not said in a flattering sort of way. my attempt to defend it (“hey, i was keeping a blog before we started calling them blogs”) was admittedly feeble. then again, feeble is also the word for my blog entries of the past year. maybe i’ve become more self-conscious about the work-in-progress me, or more tangled up in it and unable to process coherently and externally. maybe i’ve just become more boring and have less to write about. both are distinct possibilities, but more than anything i think it’s that i started slithy-tove in the BA (before Andy) era of my life, when i was just out of college, living on my own for the first time, navigating the beginnings of adulthood. i amused myself by being witty here. now i share the same thoughts and reactions with andy instead. i need this outlet less. maybe that’s why slithy tove’s been wasting away – because other parts of my life have flourished. not that i feel flourished most days, more like famished. but it’s true, i have a partner, i have a career, i have a home. as i approach the mid-twenties-late-twenties dividing line, i find i am settling.