i never was much of an athlete

so i didn’t find out about the knitting olympics until after the registration deadline, but i put in a submission anyway, and my name turned up on the website this afternoon (along with more than 4000 others), so now i’m committed. the gimmick is that one has to complete an entire project in the 16 days that the olympics take place. (watching figure skating has always been a guilty pleasure of mine; what better excuse than this?) no casting on before the flame has been lit, and the project has to be complete before the flame goes out. well, i’m already behind, because the flame was lit about five hours ago and i can’t get to the knitting shop to get the yarn i need until at least tomorrrow. i’m also deeply mired in my fair isle sweater project, so it might be hard to stay committed to the olympic task.

and speaking of olympics, what’s up with the pack of pyrotechnic ninja turtles?