i’ve been meaning to post this task as complete for a couple of months now, but it took a while to get a picture (of sorts). why isn’t my head in the picture, you ask? well, you know how photographs can reveal ghostly images that can’t be seen in real life? just like the spirits that seemingly dwell around us, visible only to the camera’s eye, i have a secret double chin that can only be detected on film. you can’t see it in real life, but oh, the cameras never lie. so no pictures of my head today. look at the sweater, anyway. it’s my first sweater and i’m pretty proud of it in spite of a few lumps and bumps. the mohair-wool blend is super itchy to my hyper-sensitive skin tho, so wearing it evokes a confusing blend of pride and itchiness. i may end up giving it away. only, i extended the sleeves to accommodate my gorilla-length arms, so the recipient would probably have to alter the sleeves again to make it human-shaped.
some other knitting projects recently finished:
mom’s birthday scarf:
everyone say “oooh, cables!”
baby hat for my friend diane’s baby (due any moment):
and matching booties:
woolly hat for myself:
the hat is, admittedly, a little out of season. i designed it in march, when the weather was still stormy, but mom’s birthday scarf took so long that both it and the hat were completed after the weather had turned for good.