to say that hot weather makes me cranky would be an understatement. it actually sucks my will to live. depending on which report you believe, the heat index today fell somewhere between 105 and 110. in chicago. where all the buildings were built before central air. monday was just as bad, and now they’re saying that it’ll be thursday before any cooler air arrives. at 10pm as i’m writing this, the heat index is 102.
of course, i have no real right to complain – my health isn’t threatened, after all, i’m just grumpy, sweaty, and unproductive. just let the power go out at our apartment, like it did for most of the central/south side of chicago yesterday, and then i’ll really start wailing. of course, if there is no power, i won’t be able to blog about it anyway. bad for me, good for the rest of you. this heat wave has swept the entire nation, so pretty much everyone reading this (with the possible exception of mari) has either just survived the heat wave, is in the middle of it with me, or it’s coming for you now.
the first circle of hell was for those sinners in limbo. that’s a fairly accurate description of how we’re feeling about now. when will this ever end?