at lauren’s good advice i went to the renegade craft fair in wicker park this morning. anthropomorphic plush creatures seemed to be de rigeur (felt doughnut with eyes, anyone? how about a plush pot sticker named li’l sticker?). my weakness is paper and book arts, and my friend becky’s thing was anything encased in a blob of glass or resin. fortunately for my pocketbook, i’m just crafty enough myself that when i go to craft fairs like this i’m prevented from buying things because i keep thinking, “i could make that!” of course, i probably won’t ever have the time, but it helps keep the cash in my wallet. so do the prices, actually. i don’t begrudge any of the artists their right to make a profit (or at the very least support their crafty habit), but $35 for a t-shirt is sadly out of my price range. for the sake all DYI designers out there today hopefully not all the shoppers were as poor (and potentially crafty) as i am.
i got home all full of project ideas and spent the afternoon hanging pictures on the walls (we’re about to sign our second year’s lease, so i figure it’s about time we look like we’ve moved in). then i made the wise-but-un-fun choice to add up our bills and figured out that we have no money for crafty projects this month. so sad. i’ve got about $100-worth of yarn awaiting fall projects, so i’ll have to stick to the knitting for now.
if i DID have money to invest in the craft fair today, however, by far and away my favorite items were the eerie, narrative paintings by jaime zollars. check them out at