doors closed.

RIP, Jeune Lune

it’s all gloom and doom here at slithy tove.

while in Minneapolis this past week i found time to take a little pilgrimage past the shuttered gates of the excellent and now-disbanded Jeune Lune theatre.

now, today milwaukee shakespeare announced they’re closing their doors, effective immediately.

it’s ironic that i spent all of last week in conferences with theatre managers from many of the country’s major regional companies, and still somehow felt insulated from the economic anxiety. then my own serious fears about the future moved in and parked themselves on my chest when i got home. tho, that might have something to do with the fact that i learned on sunday that layoffs are coming down the pipe at my second job (the one with all the blue paint). umm. i need that extra income. that income is more than the amount i put away in savings every month. shit. where am i going to find another part-time job that 1) is flexible around the demands of my full time job, 2) pays me MORE per hour than my full-time gig does, and 3) actually utilizes/challenges/refines my particular skillset as a stage manager?