froggy slippers

felting is an amazing, magical process. these slippers started out as large, loosely-knitted bags, and after 20 minutes in a hot washing machine, turned into slippers. still, felting is an inexact science, so it’s hard to gauge just how big the finished item will come out. i started making these for a friend’s newborn, but it became clear that they were never going to felt down to teeny weeny size. so now they have to find a new, toddler-aged recipient.

credit for the pattern goes here; however, while making the froggy slippers, i temporarily placed one felt eye in the center of the slipper. cyclops froggy! thus was born the idea: my own line of monster slippers. they can have teeth, tufts of hair, fins, even a tail or stubby little arms and legs. we dreamed up a website where customers can design and custom-order their own monster slippers. think of it like Mix My Granola, only for wacky slippers.

my kitchen floors are bitterly cold in the morning, and require slippers (not just socks) to stand on them for any length of time. so i think i’ll start with a collection of guest slippers for the house. which size monster are you?