Category Archives: baby times

adding to the team

so it’s been suspiciously quiet in this space lately. one, we’re mired in a long slow repair project (finally installing all the window/door trim and baseboards in our apartment, room by slow, messy dusty room), and two, we’ve been working on a different sort of project.

i doubt there’s anyone who reads this blog who isn’t also facebook friend with (or related to) me, but in case there have been any gaps in news coverage, THIS IS HAPPENING:

We're adding to the team!

so, there. secret is out, now i can blog about babies and pregnancy and mommy things. (whoa. i think that was the first time i’ve applied the word “mommy” to myself out loud/in my head/in print.)

to start, i want to talk about maternity pants. specifically, why they suck so much. we’ve put a man on the moon, and yet we still can’t make pants that will stay up on a pregnant woman? we’ve overcome gravity completely, and yet we can’t defeat gravity when it comes to pants? the best anyone can think of is to chop off the top of a pair of regular pants and sew it to a giant spandex bag and then expect that the pants will simply hang, suspended, off of the pregnant belly. is that what my belly is for? to be a pants-hanger? and you want me to shell out HOW MUCH for a garment that looks like this? i mean, suspenders are a better strategy than that, and we’ve had those around for almost two centuries. heck, overalls are a better option.

i’m just going to say that maternity pants, whether they are under-the-belly or over-the-belly, were not designed for active women who climb around theatres all day long. can we please get our best minds on this one?