Tag Archives: chicago

five impressions from super bowl sunday

1. the bears scoring a touch down in the first 14 seconds of the game.
okay, i know nothing about football and even i understood that that was pretty much a miraculous start to the game.

2. fuckmeitscoldoutside.
the windchill bottomed out somewhere around 24 degrees BELOW zero today. tell me again why i don’t live in california? on the upside, it pretty much quelled the post-super bowl riots. well, that and the spanking defeat.

3. blue paint smeared on my favorite winter boots had nothing to do with the bears.
i started training this weekend with my first for-profit theater gig. we shall not name names, as we all know talking about one’s employer on a blog is a bad idea. but let’s just say it involves a lot of blue paint. learning to call the show is nerve-wracking; the corporate environment seems to somehow add a new layer of pressure to get it right on the first try. but, the people are cool and the show is fun. i am now a part of the chicago tourist industry. does that officially make me a local? or does it officially make me a nuisance to the locals?

4. omigod that’s my ex boyfriend in a super bowl commercial.
one of the lesser-known perils of dating an actor would be that after the breakup he still has the power to turn up in your living room unannounced. well, good for him. i hope he’s lonely all the way to the bank.

5. puppy bowl III!
an excellent alternative to the super bowl for those who are not so football-inclined, puppy bowl basically consists of an play arena painted up like a football field with about a dozen adorable puppies turned loose inside. the half time show featured a bunch of kittens climbing around on a big sparkly cat tree hissing at one another. fortunately puppy bowl was held in a domed arena; i don’t think the cats would have coped with the rain nearly as smoothly as prince did.