Tag Archives: fears

scary things for halloween

i’m not not entirely sure why, but this image scares the hell out of me.

i think it goes back to a general fear of swimming pool drains.

i found this image, btw, on a web page on which people were listing “really difficult halloween costumes”. my favorites, for which i cannot take credit, were probably “Spinoza’s God” and “string theory.” i’m a sucker for high-concept halloween costumes. someone told me today about a two-person costume in which one person is text and the other is subtext. text guy says, “i like your hair,” and subtext guy translates, “i want to know where you got it done so i can mine cut just like that.” ha. no Pretty Pretty Princess costumes for me.

an interesting side effect of last week’s post about fears is that all of you who commented reminded me that i’m afraid of most of those things, too. yeesh.

to report back for hannah’s mom’s art project, it seems that the top 5 for our unofficial poll would be:

loved ones dying
creepy crawlies
swimming in big open places
our own limitations

i look forward (sort of) to an art project about that.

who’s afraid of a little peanut butter? (the expanded edition)

the comment box asks,

How about this question- Mom is starting an art project and wonders what people’s top 10 fears are. What are yours?

well, since you ask, the my top 10 (some rational, some not-so) would include:

growing old alone
old-lady baldness
having parties where no one shows up
food poisoning
authority figures
my luggage getting lost when i travel to foreign countries
swimming pool drains

to frame those in nice sterile, clinical (treatable?) terms, we turn to the phobia list:

gerascophobia & isolophobia
sociophobia (another form)
and i managed to stump the experts with my fear of lost luggage and pool drains. yay, i’m unique!

and the winner of weirdest-fear-that-has-a-clinical-name is…

arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

i dare you, comment box: what’s your fear list?