my mom made this bird house for me (and zeke) as a housewarming gift. the whole thing is mosaic’d in little tiny pieces of glass she cuts and places by hand. dude. awesome.
up close:
{15 September 2009}
{09 September 2009}
there has been a thief in the garden. a wildflower-eating thief. a few weeks ago i put new potting soil into several flower boxes on my porch and scattered a packet of california wildflower seeds onto the dirt. they started sprouting immediately.
until yesterday, both boxes looked like this:
now one of them looks like this:
i can’t believe that some creature managed to clean out the box so completely. a squirrel? a crow? who loves to eat wildflower sprouts?
on the upside, this mystery creature has left my edibles container alone. the basil is thriving and begging to be made into a batch of pesto. in the smaller pockets i have cilantro, dill and chives. the chives, transplanted from teresa’s garden, were doing great right up until zeke discovered how tasty they are. now if i don’t watch him when he goes outside, he sits on front of the pot and just happily gnaws on the chives. they all have stunted ends.
rosemary, sage, and mint are are all meant to go in the other little pockets of the herbs pot. the amazing thing about california is how LONG the growing season is. it’s september and i still have time to put some small plants (growing from seed now might be a bit ambitious) in and grow them enough to trim and cook with before winter arrives.