Caught a case of the-grass-is-always-greener at my college reunion this weekend. Really, how could one not? #fb ##
{24 October 2010}
{24 October 2010}
Caught a case of the-grass-is-always-greener at my college reunion this weekend. Really, how could one not? #fb ##
{10 October 2010}
Radio Shack Guy, flirting: “What do YOU need with banana plugs?” Me: “I’m rewiring an amp, you sexist A-hole.” ## #fb
{02 October 2010}
Oh yes. I WILL learn to bake one of these. (bread octopus) ##
{19 September 2010}
just had the pleasure of explaining to a horrified Ben what Civit Coffee is: ## #fb
{13 August 2010}
Friday night date: going bike riding & out for pizza. Apparently, we are twelve. ## #fb
{25 July 2010}
Is up at 5am, and going off the grid for a few days. Bye internets, hi Zen monastery. #fb ##
{24 July 2010}
Berkeley farmer’s market: suddenly a unicycle-and-hula-hoop festival materializes around me. Of course, Berkeley. ##
Up at 7:45 on Saturday for yoga. What happened to me?? ## #fb
{15 July 2010}
i’m not much on the indiebride design circuit, but someone please get married so you can carry this at your wedding:
{13 July 2010}
paying the Early Adopter Idiot Tax. no cell phone for undetermined number of days till Apple/AT&T figures their shit out #iphoneFAIL #fb