man, kidchamp comes back from the dead, and meatmeat promptly kicks the bucket. i’d like to blame my long silence on server problems, but it’s really just that my life’s kinda sucked lately and whining about it here didn’t feel like it would be terribly productive. and those 75-hour work weeks are murder on one’s internet hobbies. so to summarize chief gripes:
1) work is hard, sometimes good, sometimes not so good, just opened a hellish show that nearly gave me a nervous breakdown, but happily, is garnering us good reviews and in 3 more weeks, will be a bad memory, a bump in the career path.
2) the damn cat’s been sick again, and the vet bills are staggeringly expensive, as is the new perscription cat food he must eat and the special kitty-drinking fountain which will, in theory, encourage him to drink more water.
3) the financial result of my having cobbled together a sorry living wage via 6 differnet part time jobs during 2003 is that none of my employers took out enough taxes, so uncle sam also wants a piece of me. our strategy is to file andy’s taxes now, wait till april 15 to file mine, and use andy’s return to pay my tax bill. robbing peter to pay paul?
i simply need more time. i’m not afraid of hard work. i’m afraid of what happens when hard work isn’t enough.