over at the last embassy, enjelani is closing up shop. metameat is on hiatus and ihateyoutoonces has been silent for weeks. is the blog dead? have we outgrown it? worked out our early-twenty-something growing pains in public, and are now busy with the details of the lives we’ve created?
ever since i was a kid, i’ve had this narrator stuck in my head, this extra voice that put a quick spin on everything i was thinking, seeing, doing – the blog was just the first way i found of working that narrator out of my head and into a format where i don’t just look like i’m mumbling to myself. so slithy tove isn’t folding yet, anyway – i’ve just had a lot on my mind and it’s been hard to focus my thoughts into anything coherent for a while.
christmas was: recovering from the flu (the kind that makes you lie on the couch and moan softly for about five days and wonder why you didn’t get a flu shot like your mother told you to), then watching it snow and snow and snow in a cabin in the idaho mountains. snow shoeing, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, bickering with my brothers in the usual fashion. below is a picture of Henri, our little christmas miracle, whom we rescued from the animal shelter on Christmas Eve. at 12 weeks old, he’s as fearless and plucky as can be, and weights about half a pound – all fur, claws and a purr. it’s hard to keep track of what day it is, tho, on vacation up there, and life didn’t seem to come back into focus until i got back to chicago earlier this week. new years was simple but pleasant – a couple of friends over for fondue for dinner, then a swank party full of Improv Olympic actors – the dress-up-and-drink-champagne sort of party that makes the new year seem glamorous, but i’m terrible at parties where i know no one. me and andy:
me: hey, look, there’s that guy we saw do that skit about D&D a few weeks ago
andy: oh yeah, he was really good
me: yeah, we thought he had a suspiciously accurate knowledge of D&D, remember?
andy: hehe. i’m going to go introduce myself.
me: uh, i dunno. he’s chatting up that pretty blonde. should we really butt in and accuse him of being a D&D geek?
andy: yeah, that is kinda a cock-block, isn’t it?
eventually we got around to the other side of the room and found a way to introduce ourselves. the actor in question did confess a childhood penchant for gaming, which in turn forced us to admit our own nerdly histories. the beautiful blonde turned out to be his wife, who tried valiantly to make polite small talk with me, which i am very bad at. i retreated to a corner and pet the dog wearing a ballerina outfit. she looked out of place, too.
new years resolutions:
stop working through my lunch hour. it doesn’t really save me money, it just makes me tired, cranky, and more likely to buy junk food.
stop biting my cheeks, tongue, lips. find a new nervous habit if necessary, but kick this one. working at a dentist’s office can really reform a girl.
extend my ban on animal-tested beauty products to the animals i eat, as well. this wishy-washy vegetarianism just makes me feel guilty and crave bacon. better to stick to meat that wasn’t tortured or stuffed full of hormones and antibiotics. plus, being vegetarian when i’m eating out means that i don’t have to be all paranoid about whether restaurants handle meat products safely.
eat more super cancer-fighting fruits and veggies. that whole five-a-day thing is a lot harder than it sounds. veggie go limp in my fridge so easily, and chicago in winter isn’t exactly chock full of farmer’s markets selling fresh produce.