1: omigod omigod omigod where is all the stuff going to go??
1: where have you been all my life?
{03 July 2010}
1: omigod omigod omigod where is all the stuff going to go??
1: where have you been all my life?
{29 June 2010}
happy ipo, tesla!
{28 June 2010}
last night in the treehouse. amnesty granted to all spiders, tonight only. too tired to get out of bed & vacuum them off the ceiling
{26 June 2010}
Me, in a bar, Saturday morning, watching sports. Wha?
Have been in california officially 1 yr. High points: my niece, 20-milers across GG bridge, tourist club hikes, cheeseboard collective, Ben.
{20 June 2010}
Bye Chicago, hi again Marin
Overheard: “…the thing that’s so sinister about NPR is that it’s in all 50 states…” #darksideofpublicradio
{19 June 2010}
Andersonville, power outage: strangely, the Jesus Saves sign is still lit. @justindmpalmer: “Jesus is my backup generator”
{17 June 2010}
Live SGAOJ streaming now! RT @scottyiseri: Sound check complete. See you in 10. http://bit.ly/9S7wdJ
do they call it rip-stop fabric because once it starts to rip it won’t stop? #alwayswearcuteundies