did someone forget to feed Cat Deeley between seasons?
{16 June 2010}
{16 June 2010}
did someone forget to feed Cat Deeley between seasons?
designer interview tip no 1: if I ask you what kind of shows you’d like to do, DON’T say “whatever you’ll hire me for.”
{15 June 2010}
lunch hour on the day the iphone 4 goes on sale. both att & apple’s online sales have gone down “for maintenance.”
{13 June 2010}
Well hello internets. I missed you. Did anything happen last week? #weekatsea
{05 June 2010}
O Canada.
{18 May 2010}
colleague calls for my advice: how to build a crashpad for a 350lb actress. #thisismyprofessionallife
{14 May 2010}
okay. slithy-tove has signed a lease and moved to wordpress, but none of the furniture is here yet. we’re surrounded by towers of unpacked boxes, sleeping on the metaphorical air mattress and eating cold pizza on the floor (the pizza part isn’t really so much a metaphor).
because you are dangerous, you must not enter: http://tinyurl.com/27xyje5
{13 May 2010}
accidentally shattered two juice glasses on the kitchen floor, then superglued a paperclip to my finger. all before 9am!
{12 May 2010}
Let’s say I biked to work&forgot I’d parked in a metered spot night before.Exactly how many parking tickets IS it legal to give me in 1 day?